Friday, August 21, 2020

Temperature Controlled Led free essay sample

TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED LED A Mini Project Report Submitted in incomplete satisfaction of the necessities For the honor of level of BACHELOR OT TECHNOLOGY IN ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING BY Name (Reg. no) N. V. R. Srikar 08P71A0216 M. Vivek Viswanath 08P71A0230 Under the Esteemed Guidance of Mrs N. Swarnalatha [pic] DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGG. Master VIVEKANANDA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(Approved by AICTE New Delhi, Affiliated to JNTU, Hyderabad) Mahboob College Campus, Rashtra Pathi Road, Secunderabad-500043 TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED LED A Mini Project Report Submitted in fractional satisfaction of the prerequisites For the honor of level of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING BY Name (Reg. no) M. Vivek Viswanath 08P71A0230 Under the Esteemed Guidance of Mrs. N. Swarnalatha [pic] DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGG. Master VIVEKANANDA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (Approved by AICTE New Delhi, Affiliated to JNTU, Hyderabad) Mahboob College Campus, Rashtra Pathi Road, Secunderabad-50004 SWAMI VIVEKANANDA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING) (Approved by A. We will compose a custom paper test on Temperature Controlled Led or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page I. C. T. E. New Delhi,Affiliated to JNTU,Hyderabad) Mahboob College Campus,Rashtra Pathi Road,Secunderabad-500043 ____________________________________________________________ _ Department of Electrical Electronic Engineering CERTIFICATE This is to ensure that the Mini Project report entitled â€Å"TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED LED† is being presented by the accompanying understudies in fractional satisfaction of the necessities for the honor of level of Bachelor of Technology in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh is record of bonafide work did during the scholastic year 2010-2011. N. V. R. Srikar 08P71A0216 M. Vivek Viswanath 08P71A0230 Under the oversight and direction of Internal Guide Head of Department Acknowledgment With extraordinary delight we need to accept this open door to offer our sincere thanks to all the individuals who helped in making this smaller than normal undertaking work a fabulous achievement. We express our profound feeling of appreciation to Mr. Madhu forâ his consistent direction all through our small projectâ work. We are thankful to Mrs N. Swarnalatha forâ valuable proposals and direction given byâ during the execution of this smaller than usual venture work. We might want to thank Mrs. N. Swarnalatha, Head of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, for being  moral  support all through the time of our investigation in Swami Vivekananda Institute Of Technology. As a matter of first importance we are profoundly obligated to Principal Dr. S. Kesavan, for giving us the authorization to complete this scaled down undertaking. We might want to thank the Teaching and Non-Teaching staff of EEE division for offering their insight to us. Last however not the least we express our genuine gratitude to Chairman Dr. N. Prem Narayan and Secretary Dr. K Anil Kumar, Swami Vivekananda Institute of Technology, for their constant consideration towards our accomplishments. Mr N. V. R. Srikar Mr M. Vivek Viswanath Acknowledgment With extraordinary delight we need to accept this open door to offer our genuine thanks to all the individuals who helped in making this smaller than usual task work a fantastic achievement. We express our profound feeling of appreciation to Mr. Madhu forâ his steady direction all through our smaller than usual projectâ work. We are appreciative to Mrs N. Swarnalatha forâ valuable proposals and direction given byâ during the execution of this small scale venture work. We might want to thank Mrs. N. Swarnalatha, Head of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, for being good  support all through the time of our examination in Swami Vivekananda Institute Of Technology. As a matter of first importance we are exceptionally obligated to Principal Dr. S. Kesavan, for giving us the consent to do this smaller than usual undertaking. We might want to thank the Teaching and Non-Teaching staff of EEE office for offering their insight to us. Last yet not the least we express our true gratitude to Chairman Dr. N. Prem Narayan and Secretary Dr. K Anil Kumar, Swami Vivekananda Institute of Technology, for their constant consideration towards our accomplishments. Mr M. Vivek Viswanath CONTENTS Title Pg. No Introduction 7 Circuit Diagram 8 Parts Used 9 Working 10 Light Emitting Diode 11 Voltage Regulator 12 Transformer 15 Integrated Circuit(IC) 16 Basic structure of IC 18 Classification 19 Advantages 22 Limitations 23 LM35(Temperature Sensor) 23 Operational Amplifier 24 Ideal Op-Am 25 Applications 27 IC CA3130 29 Transistor 31 Advantages 33 Limitations 33 Conclusion 34 Bibliography 35 Presentation what number occasions you were casualty to the high temp water from your shower or washbasin? How frequently segments of your machine or contraptions were exposed to overheating? To bargain these issues we can utilize a light discharging diode (LED) to caution us if there is an expansion in temperature, it can caution us if our machines temperature raises or the water originating from your shower or washbasin is hot or cold as needs be. Temperature controlled light discharging diodes (LEDs) are currently a-days utilized in numerous machines. Points of interest: ? Low force utilization ? Security ? Programmed activity CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Temperature Controlled LED [pic] Circuit to change over the flexibly (220V AC 50Hz) to input(9V DC): [pic] Components utilized: †¢ Integrated Circuits IC1 7805 IC2 LM35 IC3 CA3130 †¢ Resistors R1 10K ohms R2 1K ohms R3 10K ohms R4 220 ohms R5 10K ohms R6 220 ohms †¢ Capacitors C1 100uF C2 10uF C3 1000uF †¢ Diodes D1 LED Red D2 LED Green D3 IN4007 D4 IN4007 D5 IN4007 D6 IN4007 †¢ Transformer 9V-0-9V †¢ Transistor Q1 BC107 Q2 BC557 WORKING A LED light (LED light) is a strong state light that utilizations light-transmitting diodes (LEDs) as the wellspring of light. Driven lights are utilized for both general and particular reason lighting. LEDs shine as per the temperature in â€Å"Temperature controlled LEDs†. The circuit has two LEDs (D1 and D2), whose status are constrained by the temperature of the environmental factors. The well known IC LM35 is utilized as the temperature sensor here. Yield of LM35 raises by 10mV per degree ascend in temperatur e. Yield of LM35 is associated with the non-modifying contribution of the operation amp CA3130. The upsetting contribution of the equivalent operation amp can be given with the necessary reference voltage utilizing R2. In the event that the reference voltage is 0. 8V, at that point the voltage at the non-reversing input (yield of LM35) gets 0. 8V when the temperature is 80 degree Celsius. Now the yield of IC3 goes to positive immersion. This makes the transistor Q1 On and LED D1 shines. Since the base of Q2 is associated with the authority of Q1, Q2 will be turned OFF and LED D2 stays OFF. At the point when the temperature is underneath 45 degree Celsius the opposite occurs. IC1 produces a stable 5V DC working voltage from the accessible 9V DC flexibly. Light Emitting Diode (LED) [pic] Light emanating diodes (LEDs) are semiconductor light sources. The light radiated from LEDs changes from obvious to infrared and bright locales. They work on low voltage and force. LEDs are one of the most well-known electronic segments and are for the most part utilized as pointers in circuits. They are additionally utilized for luminance and optoelectronic applications. In light of semiconductor diode, LEDs emanate photons when electrons recombine with openings on forward biasing. The two terminals of LEDs are anode (+) and cathode (- ) and can be distinguished by their size. The more extended leg is the positive terminal or anode and shorter one is negative terminal. The forward voltage of LED (1. 7V-2. 2V) is lower than the voltage provided (5V) to drive it in a circuit. Utilizing a LED as such would consume it in light of the fact that a high current would pulverize its p-n door. Consequently a present restricting resistor is utilized in arrangement with LED. Without this resistor, either low information voltage (equivalent to advance voltage) or PWM (beat width regulation) is utilized to drive the LED. VOLTAGE REGULATOR: A voltage controller is an electrical controller intended to naturally keep up a steady voltage level. It might utilize an electromechanical instrument, or aloof or dynamic electronic parts. Contingent upon the plan, it might be utilized to control at least one AC or DC voltages. Except for shunt controllers, all cutting edge electronic voltage controllers work by contrasting the genuine yield voltage with some inward fixed reference voltage. Any distinction is enhanced and used to control the guideline component. This structures a negative criticism servo control circle. On the off chance that the yield voltage is excessively low, the guideline component is instructed to deliver a higher voltage. For certain controllers if the yield voltage is excessively high, the guideline component is directed to create a lower voltage; notwithstanding, numerous simply quit sourcing current and rely upon the present draw of whatever it is heading to pull the voltage down. Along these lines, the yield voltage is held generally steady. The control circle must be painstakingly intended to deliver the ideal tradeoff among solidness and speed of reaction [pic] IC voltage controllers are three-terminal gadgets that give a consistent DC yield voltage that is free of the info voltage, yield load current, and temperature. There are three sorts of IC voltage controllers: †¢ IC direct voltage controllers †¢ IC exchanging voltage controllers †¢ DC/DC converter chips IC straight voltage controllers utilize a functioning pass component to lessen the information voltage to a managed yield voltage. Paradoxically, IC exchanging voltage controllers store vitality in an inductor, transformer, or capacitor and afterward utilize this stockpiling gadget to move vitality from the contribution to the yield in discrete bundles over a low-obstruction switch. DC/DC converter chips, a third t

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